David was sick, so I had to go to church alone today. I hate going to church alone. I did it for years when I was single and it never bothered me. But now I hate going without David. However, I will have to say that there were some great talks today. I especially enjoined Bro. Melcarne's talk. It really spoke to me. I am so glad I was able to hear it.
Tonight, I went to the Poirier's home to celebrate Cassie receiving her Young Womanhood Recognition. It was a beautiful program. Definitely a great celebration of Cassie's achievements. And the desserts were yummy. I missed having David with me at this activity too.
Overall, it was a really great Sunday for me. :O)
My little home on the web. This is where I share whats going on with me
and my thoughts on what is going on in the world.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving & Black Friday
Thanksgiving went fine. Nothing went horribly wrong and I did eat some great pie. Bob Evans makes great pumpkin and pecan pies (which is what we contributed to thanksgiving at David's mom's house). Then we went to his sister's house and had yummy apple pie. It was homemade and delicious (probably explains why I ate two pieces). The best part of the day was going to the Ft. Pierce Jetty to take pictures with my camera. I was like a mad woman snapping pictures. We're talking like 300 pictures, so needless to say I am not going to post them all, but here are a few of them.
After some major indecision on my part, we finally got up and headed out for some early shopping on Black Friday. I'll admit that we didn't get the two things we really wanted (an Xbox 360 and a TV for the family room). However, we did get a few good buys. I finally got a replacement for my much too full external hard drive and a copy of Photoshop Elements 7. We also got a GPS for our car. We've been using the GPS on David's phone and have to come to realize how useful it is, so we bought one for the car. David picked up a pair of noise canceling headphones, but I may have to misplace those. lol They are way too effective.
Of course I'd really like someone to explain why I only have access to 698 gb of my 750 gb hard drive. I understand that you always lose a few gigs to formatting etc, but that is a lot of loss. I am really in need of an explanation. Regardless, I am now in the process of moving my stuff from my old drive to the new one, so that David can have the old one.
When I am done with the moving of files, then I will get PSE 7 installed. I still plan to use Gimp for most of the work I do on my layouts, but I'll be using PSE 7 for those things that Gimp just can't do.
Okay, I think I've talked enough. Hope everyone has a great Saturday. (As if there are tons of people reading my blog. lol)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tessie, You'll be missed.

Tessie, my mom's dog, died last week at the age of 13. She was a big dog, 100 pounds, so that is really old for a dog that age. Before I got married, Tessie and I were best buds. In fact, here is a picture of Tessie and I from about 11 years ago (can't believe the pic is that old *sigh*).
Even thought its been a long time since I saw Tessie on a daily basis (David and I have been married seven years), I am still going to miss her lots. So, I created a layout in tribute to Tessie. Here it is.

Tessie had a great life. She was one spoiled girl. But she will definitely be missed.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Twilight Gal

Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!
And this is how it described Bella. I actually think it fits me pretty well.
You are observant, diplomatic and often aim to please. You are unaware of your
attractiveness and despite being uncomfortable with any form of attention, people enjoy your company. You can be impatient, stubborn and headstrong, but you are true to your word and mature for your age, often taking care of your family and enjoying a good book over chatting with girlfriends on the phone.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I recently purchased a Canon dRebel XS. On Saturday, we went out to Port Mayaca to take some pictures of the sunset over Lake Okeechobee. We barely made it in time. Luckily, we did. And we were well rewarded, as the sunset was beautiful. Definitely a great picture taking opportunity.
I still have a lot of work to do before I am taking really good photos with my new camera. However, I was pretty happy with my first try.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Help With Care Packages To Soldiers
Scrap Orchard is raising money to send care packages to the troops serving overseas who won't be spending their holiday season with their families this year. They are currently about half way to their goal to have the money to send 25 care packages.
In order to raise money, they have created this digital kit called "If Only In My Dreams"

It is currently on sale for $4.00 at Scrap Orchard and will only be available until the end of the month, when it will be retired. If you digi scrap, or even if you've thought about digi scrapping, please consider purchasing "If Only In My Dreams". You can really help make someone's holiday a little brighter.
In order to raise money, they have created this digital kit called "If Only In My Dreams"

It is currently on sale for $4.00 at Scrap Orchard and will only be available until the end of the month, when it will be retired. If you digi scrap, or even if you've thought about digi scrapping, please consider purchasing "If Only In My Dreams". You can really help make someone's holiday a little brighter.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A Layout To Share

I just wanted to share with y'all a layout I created recently. It was created suing Crazy Spring and Secret Castle Colored Pencil by Mamrotka. I am pretty happy with the way this turned out. I hope my mom likes it when she sees it.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Unwanted Changes
You know, sometimes you only come to realize how much you enjoy something when you realize you might not be doing it for much longer. For anyone who doesn't know, I've been working with the young women (12 - 18) in my church for about a year and a half. Well, the head of the young women's organization is moving, which means my time working with the youg women could be coming to an end. And guess what? I don't want it too. I don't have much control there, as you really don't volunteer for positions in the Church. Rather you are asked to serve. The closer we come to Sunday, which is the current president's last day, the more I doubt that I will still be working with the young women and that is making me sad.
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