These first six layouts are the layouts I submitted to be judged each week.
Week One:
The theme for week one Was "It's So Me." And here is the information we were given about the theme for this week: Not for an all-about-me page persay, it is about the thing that people know you for. When they see this, they think of you: something that could describe you. You always wear fab shoes, or sprout the coolest hair styles. You're obsessed with a color and everyone knows it. You always say a certain word... things like that.
I decided to do a layout about one of my babies, because my love for animals is a big part of who I am. I chose to scrap my lovebird Dumplin', because she hasn't appeared in near as many layouts as my dogs. And I'll have to admit that her coloring fit the color scheme for the week perfectly.
Here is the layout I created. The journaling is a quote from Anatole France: "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." (I include the text of the journaling, because while readable at 3600x3600 not really so readable at the 600x600 size I use for blogs and galleries.)

Credits: It's So Me - SOUTUCS Week 1, Crystal Cranberry - Ah! Designs, Berry Me in the Sand - Ah! Designs, All Things Grow With Love - New Life Dreams, Word Art Masks - Birgit Kerr, Font: Scrap Rhapsody
Week Two:
This weeks theme is "flashback." Bring us back a while. maybe to your younger years, maybe a great old picture from the attic. or even from grandmas attic!
For week two, I scrapped a photo of my maternal great-grandmother. The original photo was color, but I thought that B&W worked much better for the layout. I was really happy with the journaling for this layout.
Journaling: "It's interesting the things I remember from visiting "Gangy's" house as a child. I remember the Roman Meal toast The big wooden swing on her porch. Her big picture living room that gave her a great view of everything going on in town. The time our Great-Aunt made spaghetti sauce with deer meat. I remember spending a lot of time at my cousin's house who lived two houses away. I remember driving out to visit Uncle Noland and Aunt Betty. I remember eating fried chicken at Uncle Neal and Aunt Nancy's house. (Everyone was so surprised, cause I actually ate what they considered to be a good amount of food.) The trips to Mesa Verde. And I remember the Methodist church at the end of the block, even though we never went inside. At least not that I remember anyway. I also remember wondering why she wasn't more like my other Great-Grandmother. It seemed to me that since they were almost the same age, they should be exactly alike. However, they were very different people. Those aren't all of my memories from visiting Gangy in Mancos, but I just find it interesting the things I do remember."

Week Three:
The theme for week 3 -- 'A Moment in Time'. Scrap a picture that you can't believe your luck in capturing the moment. Whether it is just the sweetest thing to look at, a completely candid shot of a child or friend, or it is an touching photo that stirs emotions. Let us see your moment in time!
I took this picture at the Morikami Japanese Museum and Gardens. I absolutely love this photo and am amazed that I actually got the picture at the perfect moment (and that I didn't have to turn away cause I really am not into "circle of life" moments).

Week Four:
This weeks theme is "Sing Sing a Song." Base this one around a song. Wether the picture totally fits the song, and thats why you have chosen it, or its just a song you love, a song you hate, your all time fave song, or just one you can never get out of your head!
The song I chose is "Standing Right Next to Me" by Karla Bonoff. It's in the movie "8 Seconds". This was the song to which we danced our first dance at our wedding reception.
Here are the lyrics: Love is like the wind, Sometimes it blows your way, And until now it missed me somehow. But when I turned around I saw you standing there. The sound of your voice - I had no choice. I used to have a wish one day I'd feel like this. Now I know love exists cause it's standing right next to me. Beneath the moon tonight I see it in your eyes - No more false starts, no more broken hearts. I used to have a wish one day I'd feel like this. Now I know love exists cause it's standing right next to me. Even in the dark, even when you're gone I feel you in my heart. I used to have a wish one day I'd feel like this. Now I know love exists cause it's standing right next to me Standing right next to me. Standing right next to me.

Week Five:
The theme for week 5 -- 'Color My World'. Alter your photo! Make it black & white (maybe even with color accents) or sepia, give it a vintage or aged look, or use a 70's effect or duo tones... Put the color focus on your papers and elements, and let the photo speak for itself!
This is a picture of my brother-in-law and his wife that I took when we went up to Orlando in March.

Week Six:
This weeks theme is "It's a Bird...It's a Plane." Let the focus of this one be on an object or 'thing' not a person. Scrap nature, or a book, your kids toy... be original, think outside the box. Wow us with youre amazing creativity!
This photo is of the Orlando Temple. It was also taken when we were up in Orlando. This was probably the hardest one for me to come up with a photo, but I finally settled on a photo of the temple.

If you made it this far, I am impressed. I will be back later this week with the six layouts I created for the bonus rounds. My original intent was to do all 12 layouts in one post. But I soon realized that was going to be way too much for any one person to read in a sitting. Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at what I did.