My little home on the web. This is where I share whats going on with me
and my thoughts on what is going on in the world.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Project 365
One of my goals for next year is to take part in project 365 where you take a photo a day. If anyone wants to follow my project, the blog is If you are taking part in project 365 in 2009, let me know and I'll add your blog to my blog roll.
Who Reads My Blog
Okay, I added a gadget to my blog that lets you indicate you are following my blog. So, is there anyone out there who wants to claim they follow it? lol Who will be first?
Goal for 2009
For 2009, one of my goals is to take part in Project 365 and take a photo day for all of 2009. Its something I wanted to do in the past, but never did. But with my new camera, I am even more motivated. I have started this blog so I can share my photos with others. Wish me luck in sticking to my goal. :O)
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful day today!! And in the midst of all the hustle and bustle this day brings, please take a moment to remember the true reason we celebrate today, the birth of Jesus Christ!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Christmas Cards
I received my card order today. Alas, the preview they show on the website @ Winkflash doesn't show what it will look like after the card is cropped. :O( Now, my text at the bottom (i.e. Merry Christmas) is cut off along the bottom. If I wanted to return them, they would refund my money. Alas. I don't have time to redo the cards since Christmas is next week. A reprint would do no good, as the cards would have the same problem without a redo. So, I guess I will send them as is. :O( They are giving me a credit toward a future order, which is nice of them. Next year, I am ordering weeks in advance in case I need to send back my cards.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Not Fair
I had big plans for tomorrow night. David and I were going to a fundraiser for the Sungrove Montessori school in Ft. Pierce (No, we don't have children there, obviously. But we have a friend who does.) And there was supposed to be dancing. But now, I am all stuffy and throat is all scratchy and I don't feel good. Not fair. Hoping for a miraculous recovery before tomorrow night.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
My Sunday
David was sick, so I had to go to church alone today. I hate going to church alone. I did it for years when I was single and it never bothered me. But now I hate going without David. However, I will have to say that there were some great talks today. I especially enjoined Bro. Melcarne's talk. It really spoke to me. I am so glad I was able to hear it.
Tonight, I went to the Poirier's home to celebrate Cassie receiving her Young Womanhood Recognition. It was a beautiful program. Definitely a great celebration of Cassie's achievements. And the desserts were yummy. I missed having David with me at this activity too.
Overall, it was a really great Sunday for me. :O)
Tonight, I went to the Poirier's home to celebrate Cassie receiving her Young Womanhood Recognition. It was a beautiful program. Definitely a great celebration of Cassie's achievements. And the desserts were yummy. I missed having David with me at this activity too.
Overall, it was a really great Sunday for me. :O)
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving & Black Friday
Thanksgiving went fine. Nothing went horribly wrong and I did eat some great pie. Bob Evans makes great pumpkin and pecan pies (which is what we contributed to thanksgiving at David's mom's house). Then we went to his sister's house and had yummy apple pie. It was homemade and delicious (probably explains why I ate two pieces). The best part of the day was going to the Ft. Pierce Jetty to take pictures with my camera. I was like a mad woman snapping pictures. We're talking like 300 pictures, so needless to say I am not going to post them all, but here are a few of them.
After some major indecision on my part, we finally got up and headed out for some early shopping on Black Friday. I'll admit that we didn't get the two things we really wanted (an Xbox 360 and a TV for the family room). However, we did get a few good buys. I finally got a replacement for my much too full external hard drive and a copy of Photoshop Elements 7. We also got a GPS for our car. We've been using the GPS on David's phone and have to come to realize how useful it is, so we bought one for the car. David picked up a pair of noise canceling headphones, but I may have to misplace those. lol They are way too effective.
Of course I'd really like someone to explain why I only have access to 698 gb of my 750 gb hard drive. I understand that you always lose a few gigs to formatting etc, but that is a lot of loss. I am really in need of an explanation. Regardless, I am now in the process of moving my stuff from my old drive to the new one, so that David can have the old one.
When I am done with the moving of files, then I will get PSE 7 installed. I still plan to use Gimp for most of the work I do on my layouts, but I'll be using PSE 7 for those things that Gimp just can't do.
Okay, I think I've talked enough. Hope everyone has a great Saturday. (As if there are tons of people reading my blog. lol)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tessie, You'll be missed.

Tessie, my mom's dog, died last week at the age of 13. She was a big dog, 100 pounds, so that is really old for a dog that age. Before I got married, Tessie and I were best buds. In fact, here is a picture of Tessie and I from about 11 years ago (can't believe the pic is that old *sigh*).
Even thought its been a long time since I saw Tessie on a daily basis (David and I have been married seven years), I am still going to miss her lots. So, I created a layout in tribute to Tessie. Here it is.

Tessie had a great life. She was one spoiled girl. But she will definitely be missed.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Twilight Gal

Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!
And this is how it described Bella. I actually think it fits me pretty well.
You are observant, diplomatic and often aim to please. You are unaware of your
attractiveness and despite being uncomfortable with any form of attention, people enjoy your company. You can be impatient, stubborn and headstrong, but you are true to your word and mature for your age, often taking care of your family and enjoying a good book over chatting with girlfriends on the phone.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I recently purchased a Canon dRebel XS. On Saturday, we went out to Port Mayaca to take some pictures of the sunset over Lake Okeechobee. We barely made it in time. Luckily, we did. And we were well rewarded, as the sunset was beautiful. Definitely a great picture taking opportunity.
I still have a lot of work to do before I am taking really good photos with my new camera. However, I was pretty happy with my first try.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Help With Care Packages To Soldiers
Scrap Orchard is raising money to send care packages to the troops serving overseas who won't be spending their holiday season with their families this year. They are currently about half way to their goal to have the money to send 25 care packages.
In order to raise money, they have created this digital kit called "If Only In My Dreams"

It is currently on sale for $4.00 at Scrap Orchard and will only be available until the end of the month, when it will be retired. If you digi scrap, or even if you've thought about digi scrapping, please consider purchasing "If Only In My Dreams". You can really help make someone's holiday a little brighter.
In order to raise money, they have created this digital kit called "If Only In My Dreams"

It is currently on sale for $4.00 at Scrap Orchard and will only be available until the end of the month, when it will be retired. If you digi scrap, or even if you've thought about digi scrapping, please consider purchasing "If Only In My Dreams". You can really help make someone's holiday a little brighter.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A Layout To Share

I just wanted to share with y'all a layout I created recently. It was created suing Crazy Spring and Secret Castle Colored Pencil by Mamrotka. I am pretty happy with the way this turned out. I hope my mom likes it when she sees it.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Unwanted Changes
You know, sometimes you only come to realize how much you enjoy something when you realize you might not be doing it for much longer. For anyone who doesn't know, I've been working with the young women (12 - 18) in my church for about a year and a half. Well, the head of the young women's organization is moving, which means my time working with the youg women could be coming to an end. And guess what? I don't want it too. I don't have much control there, as you really don't volunteer for positions in the Church. Rather you are asked to serve. The closer we come to Sunday, which is the current president's last day, the more I doubt that I will still be working with the young women and that is making me sad.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Important Info For Florida Drivers
The state of Florida allows you to add two contacts your driver's license information, so that in an emergency they will know who to contact. This is a result of a teenager's mom not being noitfied for five hours after her daugher was in an accident (they were trying to track her down). Now, you can electronically add two contacts to your driver's license information. This information can only be retrieved by a police officer.
Here's the link if you are interested. I know I think it's a great idea. I've always wondered how my family would find out if something were to happen to both David and I.
Here's the link if you are interested. I know I think it's a great idea. I've always wondered how my family would find out if something were to happen to both David and I.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Featuring Smokey
Okay, I wanted to share with y'all a recent layout I did of my Smokey. It's not really meant to go in a scrapbook, but rather to be framed and hung in my house. I really think this is my favorite extraction layout so far.

This was created using products from Michelle Batton and Christina Renee Designs. You can see the full credits for the layout here.

This was created using products from Michelle Batton and Christina Renee Designs. You can see the full credits for the layout here.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
A Layout and A Challenge
First, let me share with you my latest layout. It was created using Designs by Sine's SO Multiple Template and Paint the Moon's Pacific Grove kit. I'll have to admit that I am pretty happy with the way this turned out.

Now for that challenge I mentioned. Once again, I am hosting a challenge over at Design by Sine's blog. Last time I did this, I only had one participant. This time, I'd really like to see more. So, even if you only digiscrap occasionally, head on over to Sine's blog and take a look at the challenge. I could really use some participants.

Now for that challenge I mentioned. Once again, I am hosting a challenge over at Design by Sine's blog. Last time I did this, I only had one participant. This time, I'd really like to see more. So, even if you only digiscrap occasionally, head on over to Sine's blog and take a look at the challenge. I could really use some participants.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
JibJab to the Rescue
Tired of politics with still a month to go? In need of a good laugh about now? Then check this out. This is hilarious! (It's a video, so broadband recommended.)
Vote Here
Vote Here
Saturday, October 04, 2008
A Little About Me
Want to learn a little more about me? Well, I am featured in a mini Interview on Mellow Butterfly's blog this week. So, if you are interested, you can check it out. here.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Friendship Interview
Okay, I am finally doing Lara's friendship interview.
Your first and middle name- Cynthia Kay
Day/month birthday- October 22
Where born- Bryan, TX
Cds listening to- Bleach Soundtrack, Shrek soundtrack, Mama Mia Soundtrack, Abba Gold, Billy Ray Cyrus, Cowboy Troy
Books last read- The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer and The Great Gathering and The Celestial City by Chad Daybell
Book reading now- I just restarted the Twilight Series, so as soon as I bring New Moon home from the office, I will be reading that again.
# siblings- 4 (including me)
Where in line of siblings- Depends on how you look at it. I am the oldest of my sister and I, but both of my brothers (really half-brothers, but I don't like to think of it that way) are older than I.
Favorite thing to wear- Capri pants w/ cute tops and sandals
Perfume you wear- Rock n Rose Couture by Valentino
Lotion you wear- Bath & Body Works Japanese Cherry Blossom
Favorite time of year- Summer (so being in Florida really works for me. lol)
Favorite holiday/season- Christmas
Favorite food- Japanese or Indian
Favorite restaurant- The Melting Pot
Last movie saw- Mama Mia
Favorite movies- Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Cars, Iron Man, Transformers
Favorite flower- roses, hibiscus
Favorite vacation- Victoria, BC (honeymoon)
What want to do before die- scrapbook all of my pictures
Dreams/goals- go to Japan on vacation
Your values- spending time with my hubby, being honest, following the commandments
One thing you want to accomplish in life- find a job where I really love what I do
Something you’d like to learn- web design
What have been some of your greatest moments of happiness and fulfillment?- being married in the temple, spending time with my hubby, spending tiem with my pets, working in Primary
What are some activities of the most worth you do?- doing things with my hubby, scrapbooking
I'm not sure anyone reads my blog. lol However, if you do, you are tagged to do the interview.
Your first and middle name- Cynthia Kay
Day/month birthday- October 22
Where born- Bryan, TX
Cds listening to- Bleach Soundtrack, Shrek soundtrack, Mama Mia Soundtrack, Abba Gold, Billy Ray Cyrus, Cowboy Troy
Books last read- The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer and The Great Gathering and The Celestial City by Chad Daybell
Book reading now- I just restarted the Twilight Series, so as soon as I bring New Moon home from the office, I will be reading that again.
# siblings- 4 (including me)
Where in line of siblings- Depends on how you look at it. I am the oldest of my sister and I, but both of my brothers (really half-brothers, but I don't like to think of it that way) are older than I.
Favorite thing to wear- Capri pants w/ cute tops and sandals
Perfume you wear- Rock n Rose Couture by Valentino
Lotion you wear- Bath & Body Works Japanese Cherry Blossom
Favorite time of year- Summer (so being in Florida really works for me. lol)
Favorite holiday/season- Christmas
Favorite food- Japanese or Indian
Favorite restaurant- The Melting Pot
Last movie saw- Mama Mia
Favorite movies- Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Cars, Iron Man, Transformers
Favorite flower- roses, hibiscus
Favorite vacation- Victoria, BC (honeymoon)
What want to do before die- scrapbook all of my pictures
Dreams/goals- go to Japan on vacation
Your values- spending time with my hubby, being honest, following the commandments
One thing you want to accomplish in life- find a job where I really love what I do
Something you’d like to learn- web design
What have been some of your greatest moments of happiness and fulfillment?- being married in the temple, spending time with my hubby, spending tiem with my pets, working in Primary
What are some activities of the most worth you do?- doing things with my hubby, scrapbooking
I'm not sure anyone reads my blog. lol However, if you do, you are tagged to do the interview.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Recipe for Me
Okay, I found this on another blog and I had to do it. David will get a kick out of my recipe. lol (And Lara, I saw your quiz and will do it tomorrow or the next day.)
The Recipe For Cindy |
![]() 3 parts Daring 2 parts Creativity 1 part Kindness Splash of Enchantment Serve over ice |
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
New Layout and A Challenge

First, I wanted to show you one of my latest layouts (click on layout to see full credits). It features, of course, two of my fur babies. Aren't they cute? (And yes, they are bratly too. lol)
Now, I suspect you are wondering where the challenge comes in. I used a template from Designs by Sine in creating this layout. You'll see lots of layouts that include her templates, because I am on her CT (creative team for you non digi scrappers). This week, I am hosting a challenge on her blog. This is my very first time hosting a challenge and I am really worried that no one is going to participate. So, if you've even thought of trying digi scrapping, go check it out. You could even win a prize from Sine. Pretty please!!!
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Here's the layout I just did with the September Days by Mellow Butterfly. I am really happy with the way the layout. I think the picture of Kitty tells you everything you need to know about her.
If you are interested in the kit, be sure and checkout my previous post, as there is a coupon you might be interested in.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Coupon To Share
First, take a look at this wonderful kit from Mellow Butterfly. It's called September Days and I think it's wonderful. And I promise I am not saying that just because I'm on her CT. And guess what? It's on sale this weekend.

Need a little more encouragement? Well then take a look at this little coupon I have to share with you.

This is a good time to check out a great kit and maybe get to know a wonderful designer as well.

Need a little more encouragement? Well then take a look at this little coupon I have to share with you.

This is a good time to check out a great kit and maybe get to know a wonderful designer as well.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Toot! Toot!
I can't believe it. Here I was just checking out the feeds on my blog reader when I see the latest post from Christina Renee Designs. I click on it and what to I find? My layout about our 7th anniversary is the Gallery Standout of the week at Christina Renee Designs. This is too exciting for me. I've never had a layout chosen as a standout anywhere. I am so excited!! If you want to check it out, the Gallery Standout link will take you there or you just click here. Now hurry, go check it out!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Kewl New Digi Kit

Do you like scrapping with fun colors? Then check out this collab from Claudi and Maria at Sunshine Studio Scraps! I just love the bright colors and the variety of element in this kit. If you like this kit as much as I do, you can find it here.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tropical Storm Fay
I'll have another post about Tropical Storm Fay after I get pics off my camera. However, I had to share this pic from David's camera right away.
We went to work today and after lunch decided to head to Sonic for happy hour (half price cokes). This is what we saw next to the Sonic. The ares you are looking at is normally a drainage area with a small water retention pond. Well, with all the rain, the guy driving the bronco thought it was the entrance to Sonic. According to our car hop at Sonic, he wasn't a very happy camper. Somehow, I am not surprised about that one.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Seven Wonderful Years

David and I celebrate seven wonderful years of marriage today. This is the layout I created of our celebration dinner at The Melting Pot on Saturday.
I have been very blessed to have David as my husband. I could not ask for a better husband. I was 30 when David and I married, but David was well worth the wait. I look forward to many more happy years together.
I Love You David!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I've Been Published
I am so excited about this. Three of my layouts were published in the latest edition of Scrapbook News and Reviews. If any of you subscribe to this e-zine, go check out the pet section. You'll see three of my layouts there. This is my first time to have any of my layouts published, so I am pretty stoked.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Digi Challenge
Hey all you digi scrappers, and wanna be digi scrappers, I've got a challenge for you. Head on over to Purple Paper Flowers and check out the latest Petal Pieces Challenge. You'll get a mini kit from Michelle Batton in order to complete the challenge. You've got nothing to lose and you'll gain some free digi scrapping goodies. So, head on over and check it out!
Monday, April 14, 2008
10 Items or Less
I am wondering if people are confused with regards to the meaning of this statement. I am constantly standing behind people who have way more items than the number specified. I understand if you have 11 or 12 items. No big deal. However,when you have 30 or more items, I really think you should realize that you are over the limit. I know that Walmart doesn't have enough checkers. And I know the other lines are long and the people in those lines have full baskets. But I am in a hurry too and I only have eight items. I shouldn't have to wait behind a person with 30 item in their basket when that number three times the stated limit. So please, if you have 30 items in your basket, don't use the line where it is indicated "10 items or less". Your fellow shoppers will appreciate it.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Time for Change
Okay, it was time to let the Magenta go. I am still amazed that T-Mobile had the nerve to cause such a ruckus. However, I couldn't stand looking at all that bright pink any more. :O)
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Free Magenta
You may be wondering about my new love for magenta. Well, this is to show my support for an end to all ridiculousness. It seems T-Mobile wants to cease using the color magenta on it's website as they seem to have a trademark on said color. How ridiculous is that. You can read more about said ridiculousness here and here.
Because I want to speak out against such blatant ridiculousness my blog is now magents. I think the new color is great!!!
Because I want to speak out against such blatant ridiculousness my blog is now magents. I think the new color is great!!!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Tomb Was Empty
Today we celebrate the resurrection of the Savior, Jesus Christ. In 1992, I heard Marion D Hanks tell the following story in General Conference. I have a horrible memory, but I have never forgotten this story. I wanted to share it with you today, on this wonderful Easter day.
On this day, may we always remember that yes, The Tomb Was Empty.
"As Easter time approaches, let me share with you the tender story of an eleven-year-old boy named Philip, a Down’s syndrome child who was in a Sunday School class with eight other children.
Easter Sunday the teacher brought an empty plastic egg for each child. They were instructed to go out of the church building onto the grounds and put into the egg something that would remind them of the meaning of Easter.
All returned joyfully. As each egg was opened there were exclamations of delight at a butterfly, a twig, a flower, a blade of grass. Then the last egg was opened. It was Philip’s, and it was empty!
Some of the children made fun of Philip. But, teacher, he said, teacher, the tomb was empty.”
A newspaper article announcing Philip's death a few months later noted that at the conclusion of the funeral eight children marched forward and put a large empty egg on the small casket. On it was a banner that said, 'The tomb was empty.'”
On this day, may we always remember that yes, The Tomb Was Empty.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Thursday, March 06, 2008
New Layout to Share
I just want to share my most recent layout. These roses were part of my Valentines Day gift in 2005. They were so pretty that I decided to give them their own layout. I think I'll have to have a scrapbook just about the flowers David has given me.
This layout was created using Spring Whisper and Curly Doodles by Merkeley Designs.
This layout was created using Spring Whisper and Curly Doodles by Merkeley Designs.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Bok Tower
Yesterday, David and I made our second trip to Bok Tower. (Our first was back in 2003, I think.) This is a place we really enjoyed going. And we realized that it's really much bigger than we thought. The first time, I think we missed a lot of the trails. I don't think we missed anything yesterday. If you're coming to Florida, it's a sight that should be considered. And it's less than hours drive from Walt Disney World.
I took lots of pics yesterday, so I wanted to share them with you.
I took lots of pics yesterday, so I wanted to share them with you.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Being Nice
I think it's time we make a change in this world. I want to see the nice people rewarded for a change. I am tired of living in a world where complainers are rewarded and people who are nice get the shaft. I want to see it reversed. Lets see fees waived for those who are nice. Lets see the person who didn't complain get the reward for a change. I know that this world operates around the philosophy that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Well I'd like to see this change. Anyone with me on this?
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Mitt Romney Suspends Campaing
Mitt Romney suspended his campaign for President today. I am very disappointed. I want to make sure everyone gets a chance to read his speech today. It is an excellent example of why Governor Romney should have been the Republican candidate for President. I hope everyone takes the time to read it.
Morikami Museum & Gardens
Yesterday, for David's birthday we went to the Morikami Museum and Gardens. It was beautiful, so I wanted to share some of the pics we took.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
The Hinckley Challenge
In honer of President Hinckley, a challenge has been made to read the Book of Mormon in 97 days. I think this is a wonderful way to honor President Hinckley's memory. For that reason, I would like to invite everyone to take this challenge. For more information on this challenge, please visit the website below.
The Hinckley Challenge
The Hinckley Challenge
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Too Cute
I just wanted to share with you the layout I just completed. This picture of Sanosuke was too cute, to I had to make a layout featuring him. The layout was created using Boy oh Boy by Cindy Doerksen.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
So Disappointed
We used to have real problem with our middle dog Sazume digging under the fence and leaving the yard. However, it has been almost a year since she last did that and I was actually trusting her. And really she had shown that she was worthy of such trust. Last week, we went to work and accidentally left her crate door and the doggie door to the outside open. We came home and Sazume had been a good girl while we were gone. I was so proud of how good she had been lately. But tonight, she disappointed me.
I am truly so surprised she did it. Not only because she had been so good lately, but because she is a big chicken about the dark. She normally doesn't even like to go outside with David after dark (although she had finally gotten to where she would go on a walk, for awhile she wouldn't even do that).
Sazume is back home safe and sound. But I am so disappointed in her. And when I think about what could have happened to her running around at night. She's almost pure white, but still the thought of what could have happened to her makes me want to cry.
Now, I am back to not trusting her. It makes me sad, but I don't have another choice. It'll be a long time, if ever, before I trust her again. :O(
I am truly so surprised she did it. Not only because she had been so good lately, but because she is a big chicken about the dark. She normally doesn't even like to go outside with David after dark (although she had finally gotten to where she would go on a walk, for awhile she wouldn't even do that).
Sazume is back home safe and sound. But I am so disappointed in her. And when I think about what could have happened to her running around at night. She's almost pure white, but still the thought of what could have happened to her makes me want to cry.
Now, I am back to not trusting her. It makes me sad, but I don't have another choice. It'll be a long time, if ever, before I trust her again. :O(
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