This first picture, taken 1-20-2009, is of my XM Radio connected to my iPod speakers. This is how I was able to listen to the inauguration today, on the POTUS channel on XM Radio. I had to work today and I did not want to miss the inauguration. In the United States, we are privileged to experience every four years a peaceful transition of power. This is something many people throughout the world never have the opportunity to experience, so this is something for which we should be grateful. That is why I chose to capture my method of experiencing another peaceful transition.
This picture was taken of the brand new Circuit City about 15 minutes from our house was taken on 1-19-2009. It's been open less than six months and now it will be closing its doors forever. I have always had an inexplicable fondness for Circuit City, so I am sad that they are closing. So, I wanted to get a picture of the sign on the Circuit City store.
Most of my pictures are taken using my Canon dRebel XS. However, on Sunday morning I absolutely loved the look of the sky near hour home, so I definitely wanted to take some pics. My Kodak ZD710 was more readily available at the time, so I used it instead. I must say I am really happy with the way this came out.
This is one of the pics I took on Ssturday. I am always looking to get a good shot of the flag as I love what she represents. I must say I am happy with this one.

I took this pic of a doggy toy on Friday evening. Do you see what is missing? The poor dogs legs. Do you know when my dogs got this toy? On Christmas day. My dogs are so rough on toys. Very few toys can handle the stress. I've found the original Loofah dogs to be the best option so far.
I'll admit this is another desperation shot. This is my car's dashboard at night. One of the reasons I fell in love with my car is because the dashboard glowed bright red. So, why not get that on record. :O)
Congrats!! You made it to the end of my post. I really appreciate your sticking around to look at all of my pics!
Cindy, great pics, as always!
Love how you documented listening to the inauguration! I caught part of it on TV today, too!
I've always like Circuit City, too, and it's sad that they're closing (especially by you since they just opened - such a shame).
The sky pic is fantastic - reminds me of a water color painting - the colors are so soft and love the light glow on the clouds.
Flags turned out great! I love flag pics, too, especially when they are blowing in the wind - this turned out great!
Sad dog toy! Yep, same thing at our house. Two new ones at Christmas and one is already chewed up and thrown out and the next one probably won't be long!
Great dash, too! At least it's easy to see!
Have a great evening!
Aww I lvoe your perspective on the inauguration and how you captured it! Its such an amazing day for us all. I am really proud to be a citizen of this country despite all the turmoil. I agree we are very fortunate and sadly forget sometimes. (with this economy I know I do lol!) I love the picture of the sky too. Its gorgeous!
SO many great pictures! Lovely how you kept your journaling about them, each becomes so meaningful when you know a little more. Couldn't resist to giggle when I saw the dog toy. Our dog chewes everything through, but for Christmas 2007 she got a squeek-toy anyway. And it is still in one piece! The best quality I've ever seen in a dog toy!! But I don't remember where we bought it unfortunately..
Wow great pics!! So fun to see all these everyday life pics. I will have to admit, I have already had a few "desperate" shots myself LOL When it became 10:00 at night and I hadn't snapped one yet. I think my house will be pretty well documented by the time I make it through 365 days!!!
Nice photos!
The Circuit City by me opened less than six months ago too. You'd think they would have had some idea of that there was trouble and not opened new stores. Go figure.
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