My little home on the web. This is where I share whats going on with me
and my thoughts on what is going on in the world.
Monday, December 10, 2007
My Best Friend
I really like this layout, so I wanted to share.
I created this layout for the December template challenge at K-Joi Studios. It's supposed to be a Christmas card challenge, but since I've already ordered mine, so I did this instead. If you haven't done your Christmas cards yet, this is an easy way to get them done.
All papers are from the Cafe Latte paper pack by Deanna Tafoya. The heart is by Kim Higueria and the template is from Rose McDigital Designs. The font I used is A&S Black Swan.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Just Wanted to Share
This layout is from when David and I went to the Andretti Thrill Park in Melbourne, Florida for the 4th of July. David loved the Go Karts. I was more in to the Laser Tag and Miniature Golf. We had a good time and David finally got to do something he has wanted to do for a long time. This layout was created using "Be Bold" by Cindy Doerksen. It can be purchased at Digiscrap Boutique and Divine Digital
This picture was taken last Christmas at my mom's house. It's a picture of something extremely rare, all three dogs sleeping at once. :O) This layout was also made with the "Be Bold" kit.
Thanks for taking a minute to look at my new layouts.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Gideon Bibles - A Thing of the Past?
The article seems to imply that those of the Generation X age or younger are not interested in Bibles. I know for a fact that is not true. I am a member of Generation X, as is my husband, and the Bible is very important to both of us. I know one of the first things I look for when getting a hotel room is the Gideon Bible. I much prefer the King James Version of the Bible, yet I always look for that Gideon Bible. I want it to be there.
Of course, I was very surprised that the spokesman for Marriott hotels would say their new boutique hotel chain venture would be less values oriented. Somehow, I don't think Mr. Marriott would approve of that. At least I hope this is the case.
According to the American Family Association, the Accor hotel chain, which is the parent company of Motel 6, is among the chains removing the Gideon Bible. I find that very sad indeed.
The Newsweek article also states the Gideon Bibles in hotel rooms is down 19%. I truly find that sad. I never thought I'd see the day when there are not Gideon Bibles in hotel rooms. I hope this is a trend that soon comes to an end.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Latest Layout

This is my latest layout. It is created using Ravishing in Red by Connie Prince at K-Joi Studios. I am particularly proud of this layout, so I wanted to share it will all of y'all.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
A 1000 Words

This is my latest layout. It features one of the best pics I've every gotten of any of my fur babies. This is Sanosuke is January of this year. He is in the backseat of the Little 3.
The kit is called Two Solitudes. It is by She's Full of Scrap and will be available November 1 at Gotta Pixel. I love the colors in this kit. I also think the huge raffia wrap is great.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
A new layout
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Budgie Food
Tropimix Budgie, Canary & Finch Mix
Tropican egg granule-based formula with blend of top quality breadcrumbs, grains, extruded mash, fruits and vegetables. Fabulous egg food, most edible, designed for all finches, canaries and budgies.
CONTAINS: Fruits: papaya, pineapple, coconut Seeds: chopped oat groats, canary seed, hulled millet, niger seed, rape seed, flaxseed, hemp seed, sesame seed Vegetables: carrot Others: Tropican egg granules which contains egg protein, breeding mash which contains vitamins and minerals, breadcrumbs.
I can't believe they all eat it, but they do. I am so happy about this. I've been trying for as long as six years in some cases, to get them to like something new and I finally did it. So, if you have budgies that are picky as mine, check out Tropimix.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Finally, A New Layout

This is my first digi layout in some time. I created it for a blog challenge from One Of A Kind Scrapz. This may not be my best layout ever, but it's the first one I've done in a long time, so I am glad I did the challenge. I plan to add this layout to my Book of Me. (You can view credits for the layout here.)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Family Search Indexing
By the way, you don't have to be LDS to take part. So, if this sounds like something you would be interested in doing, please visit the Family Search Indexing website.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Family History Work Continues
I also want to give kudos to the City of New York. They make it so easy to order a birth certificate as you can do it online without having to pay a third party. I have not found another city or state, including New York state that give you this option. I think it's great that New York City has provided this option, so I wanted to make mention of it here.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Some People Just Have Nerve
Okay, my husband loves Slashdot. I would say the majority of slashdotters are not real friendly toward religion of any kind and I don't mean just Christianity (as the following discussion will show). Part of the discussion of life on Mars moved into a discussion on religion Part of this discussion just has me flabbergasted. Here's the pertinent parts of the discussion (you can read the original story and entire thread here.)
Person A posted:I'm an atheist. A few weeks ago, a Christian friend asked me, "When you look out at the night sky, across billions of light-years of interstellar space filled with billions of worlds we haven't even imagined yet, aren't you a little afraid that you might be wrong?"
Your idiotic post made me realize -- way too late, of course -- that I should've asked her the same question in reply.
Person B in reply stated:If she's wrong, it doesn't matter...
Person C, who is the subject of this post, then states
(and this is not the scary statement):Yes, it does.
Think of how much more she could have accomplished had she not been wasting time on religious rituals and discussions?
My husband then replies to Person C:Yea just think what Gandhi, Sister Theresa or Cardinal Tutu might have done if hadn't been wasting their time on spiritual things.
Please even if you don't like religion I doubt that it is as big of waste of time as TV, music, or Slashdot.
Person C then replies: back (and this is the scary part):Gandhi, Sister Theresa, and Cardinal Tutu could have achieved more if they spent more time on learning reality, rather than fantasy. I'm not saying they didn't achieve great things; I am saying that they would have had more time in their lives. As you imply, I could do more also (I could be programming instead of typing this, and I could have rejected fantasy-based thinking for scientific thinking earlier in my lifetime).
What I don't understand is how anyone could have the nerve to say that Gandhi, Mother Teresa or Desmond Tutu could have done more. There is only one man who would have the right to make that judgment and Person C is not that man. I can't even imagine thinking such a thing, better yet saying it. I know I am not worthy to make that statement. I am just so shocked that Person C thinks he is that special.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Which Rurouni Kenshin Character Are You?

Which Rurouni Kenshin Character Are You?
Test Created By oronoda
I just don't think David is going to agree with this one. :O)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Stupid Quote of the Week
Jeff Wise of Atlanta, Georgia
Why not give him a chance to play again? Seriously how many chances has the NFL given to Ricky Williams? Smoking pot is against the law, but he's been given a number of chances, and STILL isn't banned from the NFL!
How many people really think that smoking pot is the same as what Michael Vick did to those poor dogs? Those people are just nuts. Yes, smoking pot is illegal. And yes, it is wrong. However, it is not now, nor will it ever be, the same as torturing and killing dogs. Period. End of statement.
Facebook - My New Obsession
One of the things that I like about Facebook is that you can invite your friends to get involved in the same Facebook activities that you are involved in. So, I have been having a lot of fun the last few days.
So, if any of you are on Facebook, feel free to add me as a friend. Here is my profile.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Michael Vick - Banned for Life
I know what some people think. They think we should overlook what he did, because he has apologized to all the people he has hurt. Well, when do I read about his apology to the dogs he hurt? They are the ones who truly suffered here. Plus, he should be sorry. Even if he really means it, and is not just saying it, repenting of a wrong does not mean that you get to avoid the consequences of having done something wrong. And one of those consequences should be a permanent ban from professional football.
Please take the time to contact the
NFL, Commissioner Goodell and your favorite team and urge each of them to seek a ban for life for Michael Vick. He deserves no less.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Happy Anniversary!!!
I am so happy to be married to my sweetie. He really is the perfect husband for me. I didn't get married until I wad 30, but he was definitely worth the wait. I am also so grateful that we were married for time and all eternity, so that our marriage will last beyond this life. I really wouldn't want to think of our marriage ending on the day that one of us dies. That would be so sad.
Tonight, we are going to The Melting Pot in Melbourne to celebrate. We went last year for my birthday and the food there is so yummy. I've been looking forward to this for weeks.
My one disappointment is that my sweetie's main gift won't be here for another month. I think he'll be really happy when I tell him what it is, I just wish I had it to give to him today. (I would say what I got here, but he might read this before I have a chance to tell him.)
Anyway, today we celebrate six years of marriage and I for one hope to have many more anniversaries to celebrate many more anniversaries together.
Sweetie, if you see this, I want you to know:
Thursday, August 16, 2007
{Daily ramblings and random thoughts}: Baby Moses Law
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Movie Preferences
Just so everyone knows my preference, I really believe it's "comedy". I enjoy dramas, science fiction, mysteries and romances (not much of a thriller girl), but I love comedies. I love to go see a movie where I laugh a lot. We went to go see Evan Almighty a few weeks ago and I loved it, because it was just so funny. I didn't expect to like it and I did. So, as much as I enjoy most types of movies, I really believe comedies really are my favorite.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
The Beginning of a Journey
I picked David up at the Airport around 10:00 a.m. We then headed in to Denton to pick up our marriage license. After that, we headed up to Frisco to meet up with my sister and bil to Six Flags. David had never been and I hadn't been in years. We had a blast. I even rode three roller coasters, including Batman (I've never had the never to ride another coaster since). On the way home from Six Flags, we called my mom to see if she wanted to meet us for dinner, so we all went to Razoos as I had not yet had the opportunity to take David to that restaurant and it was one of my favorites.
It's hard to believe that all of that was six years ago. I remember how excited I was to be at Six Flags with my future hubby. It was just so awesome for me. I was just so happy that day.
Normally, I am not one who is very good with mental pictures. That is probably why I love scrapbooking. However, that day is just so vivid in my mind. Probably cause I had so much fun and was just so truly happy.
This coming Saturday, David and I will celebrate our sixth anniversary. There is not a day goes by that I am not grateful for David and that I don't give thanks that he is my hubby. I was truly blessed when David came in to my life.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
I Miss My Teaching Partner
Friday, August 10, 2007
Pres. James E. Faust
I'll have to say that I am sad to hear of his passing. I really enjoyed his talks, not because of his presentation, but I loved what he had to say. And he really did have a good sense of humor.
One of my favorite talks by President Faust was What It Means to be a Daughter of God. When this talk came out, I was still single and this talk really meant a lot to me and it has always stuck with me.
I know President Faust is in a much tetter place now, but I will miss listening to him in General Conference.
Monday, August 06, 2007
One of My Fav CDs
Three or four years ago, I was lucky enough to see a Les Miserables touring company in West Palm and I was not disappointed. In fact, it was absolutely everything I had hoped for. I had wanted to see it for so many years, I figured it could never live up to my dreams. This time I was wrong. It was exactly how I hoped it would be. Really, it was one of my dreams come true.
Well, I now have both CDs on my iPod, so I won't even have to take time to switch CDs. I am so happy. In fact, I listened to the whole album this evening and would listen again, if only I had the time.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Then, while I am preparing to write this little post, my keyboard decides spasmodics would be a good idea. It's through throwing it's fit now. Thankfully.
Anyway, I wonder what will go wrong next.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Spoiled Cat's Life
Monday, July 09, 2007
Just Have to Share
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Family History Calls Me
This is not the first time I've started work on family history. I usually get frustrated when I don't make much progress. Hopefully the info I was able to find today will help me maintain interest in the long term.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy 4th of July
Fourth of July Images @
As we celebrate the birthday of the United States, I just want to take a moment to share how grateful I am to live in this country and to be able to enjoy such great freedom. I know that it is a blessing and once for which i am truly grateful.
I also want to take a moment to thank those men and women who are willing to serve our country. It is because of the sacrifices of men and women willing to serve their country in the past and today that we are able to enjoy such freedems and for that I feel like I must say thanks.
Support our troops graphics. Show your support.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Just a little sad
At last, Sonic!!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Goodbye Amor
These pictures, taken last week, are of Amor and her mate Poseidon (Po). Amor is the lovie with yellow coloring. Day before yesterday Amor passed away during the night.
Amore came to live with us after she was already an adult. We were in a pet store in Melbourne, FL and there was Amor. Her owner, who used to work there, was giving her up to make way for a nursery (don't get me started on that one). So, Amor was for sell for $50, which included her cage and toys. She was so frightened and I felt so bad for her that we paid for her and took her hom. But I'm afraid ww were never able to conquer her fear of humans, so after about a year, we had the opportunity to adopt Po and we took it. They have been madly in love ever since.
I am so sad that she has passed on. Amor was never mean, inspite of her fear. And even after her and Po became a couple, she never became the mean, bitey bird that I have so often heard about. Amor was just a very sweet bird and she will be sorely missed. Amor is not alone on the other side, as Micron and Valentine are waiting for her, as is Lady our bassett/beagle mix.
I do worry about Po, he looks so lonely in that cage. In awhile, we will probably seek a new mate for Po, but not right away. I really do believe he'll want another friend. Po and Amor were such a cute couple.
Goodbye Amor! We'll miss you!!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Great Customer Service
It seems like these days you only hear about bad customer service, so I wanted to take a moment to mention the good customer service I received.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Help Save a Dog
The petition to save Daisy
Friday, June 08, 2007
Yes, I have been gone awhile
Now, to get back to scrapbooking...
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Meet Spike
Everyone, meet Spike. He's a Mali Uromastyx. Our beloved Uromastyx Isabella passed away recently and we were very sad. Yesterday, we went in to the store where we got Spike. We weren't really planning on getting a lizard, we just wanted to look. Well, Spike just came sauntering up to the front of his aquarium and we just loved that. So, we met Spike and decided to make him part of our family. Just as Isabella did, Spike lives at our office. He's a young one, a little over 4 months and so active. He's definitely very interested in what's going on in my office. I sm so glad to have Spike at work with me again.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I'm Still Alive
We had a good trip to vacation. Ate way too much, but my mom made all of my favorite foods. And my dogs loved being spoiled by the grandma. The time just seemed to pass so fast. It seemed like we had just gotten there and we already had to head home, when we had actually been in TX for like 10 days. Well, maybe next time we can go for longer.
Well, I am off to see if I can wrest the remote from my hubby so that I can watch either "Bleach" or "Rurouni Kenshin".